Goal One: Keep it Affordable It's very important to stay grounded and realistic about your wedding budget. It's easy to get carried away with the latest and greatest wedding trends and implied must haves. Be sensible and creative and stay focused on the love your share and what that means, How will you choose to express your moment of marriage? Use this as your guide and you will know just what to do. Goal Two: Keep the Details Minimal and Minimize Stress. As you are entering into the covenant of marriage and begin the exchange of vows, both of you should be prepared to be truly 100 percent in the moment and fully present, mind, body and soul. This means that neither of you should be distracted, preoccupied, frazzled or stress out as you enter into this covenant. The moment of marriage is one of the most significant life events you will ever experience. Therefore, everything else must be suspended in space and time while this is taking place. All of your focus must be placed on your holy covenant to each other in the presence of God. This has more significance and influence on the health and wellbeing of your marriage long term than you could ever imagine. See the Wedding Wisdom Blog for more insight. Goal Three: Keep Focused on the Marriage Too often young couples place too much to their energy, time and money on making the wedding reception the primary objective of their wedding plans and far too little attention on their marriage moment. Where this might seem like a great idea at first, most times this approach tends to over shadow the act of the marriage, resulting in a big party atmosphere as opposed to a celebrating a marriage if not kept in balance. To be clear, wedding ceremonies, the act of getting married, and a wedding reception are and have always been two completely separate events. A marriage is a precious, solemn and reverent event, the other is a celebration of such an event. If the prospect of having a big reception event is the main focus of your wedding plans. This is a red flag and needs to be assets carefully before proceeding into marriage. See Prepare for Marriage Goal Four: Keep it Simple ...It's Beautiful. How much is too much and what's truly important to you? This is a time when you want to be true to yourselves and each other. What do you want the focus and meaning to be when you think back on your marriage to each other? What do you want to feel and experience in this most significant moment in your life? When you think about looking back on the moment when you became husband and wife and exchanged your marriage vows and entered the covenant marriage, what would you most like to remember? When the waters of marriage get choppy and challenging, as all marriages do from time to time, what will you lean on and pull from that reminds you both that it's all worth it. Will the memories of that moment spur you forward to honor and uphold your commitment to your marriage? These are vital questions and ones you need to discuss and put ahead of all other things when planning your wedding. Remembering, this is just the beginning of your journey of a life time as husband and wife. And in that journey there will be ample opportunity for many lavish parties, but only one opportunity for you to marry.
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