Wedding Officiant's Blog
Wedding Wisdom from Those Who Know! Too often, the line between the Marriage Ceremony and Wedding Reception Celebration are blurred and the need for clear division between these two events is not always observed. As a result, many couples are literally duped out of what should be the grandest and most significant life altering moment they will ever experience in their lifetime. The moment they become husband and wife, yet, too often, when planning their wedding, the greater focus falls on the wedding reception. Sadly, most young couples weddings will miss this boat entirely and it won't be sailing back this way....Ever Again! So why does this occur so frequently? The answer is actually so simple that it's often overlooked. It's allowing yourselves to get caught up in a commercialized attitude that encourages young couples to place their primary focus on the reception event. Think of it in this way, your reception will last a few hours, your marriage is to last a lifetime. In the end, after all the guests have gone, the bride and groom will be left to their own to look back on their moment of marriage, sometimes with a sense of lack. Recalling the moment of marriage without any real focus or intent, the Ceremony. When couples view the ceremony as a mere formality rather than the most significant moment of the entire wedding event, they unwittingly cheat themselves. The ceremony is the foundation of your marriage...period! If your intent is to have a lasting, loving stable marriage...make your Wedding Ceremony the main focus of your wedding day. Couples placing primary focus on the reception party details over the ceremony should be considered a huge red flag where the future of marriage stability and relationship health is concerned. In fact, divorce rate statistics show us that couples that glibly gleam over the Ceremony Event are far more likely to divorce than couples that place great importance and self preparation for the Ceremony itself. Embrace the notion that the purpose of a wedding reception is to celebrate your "the moment of your marriage" with family and friends. Comments are closed.
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