![]() Entering into marriage is a huge life altering event, you are placing everything that you are or ever will be into each others hands and hearts with the intention of building a new life together. The truth is, building a loving, healthy, supportive and lasting life together doesn't just happen...it's created, day by day and moment to moment. Sound like work? It is! When this labor of love is commenced with heart felt dedication, commitment and the ability to be truthful with yourself and each other, then the labor of love grows into a joyful and gratifying state of being. All "successful marriages" arise from each individual consciously taking full responsibility for themselves and owing their own stuff first. Mastering the Self must come from a place of true authenticity (from an unimpeded heart space) not (a limiting ego self, old baggage, etc.), which enables the individual and the couple to fully engage, grow, learn and expand within the love they share without limitation. One of the most common pitfalls couples unwittingly fall into is harboring the misconception that their love will fix them in some way. This, unfortunately, is not the case. The reality is, if one does not address their deeper issues prior to commenting themselves in marriage, the unresolved issues, sooner or later, will present again, and again, and again. This action is very corrosive and damaging to the relationship, and over time it will take it's devastating toll on the future of your well being. Most couples, if asked to consider theses points, would choose to address and resolve issues before entering into marriage. This is...if they had actually given it any though at all. Hence, the purpose of this article. Consider this. The love you share with each other is in fact a separate living breathing energy and entity in and of itself. You might very well liken it to a child you have created together. It is comprised of many intricate facets of who you are as individuals, thereby creating who you are as a couple and the quality of your hopes and dreams for the future of this "child -relationship". And like a child, it requires constant care, devotion, patience, understanding, maturity, wisdom and a steadfast responsibility to yourself and to each other...and of course...a good deal of tweaking as you go too. (smiling). So then, is it not wise and reasonable to give wakeful consciousness and consideration as to how you will both care for and nurture this most precious child, "your relationship" to full maturity? The obvious answer coming from a loving couple, is of course...yes! Marriage is the most amazing and rewarding journey you will ever embark on, it can also be equally challenging when unprepared. You are promising each other that you will "really be there, fully and wholly". That you will apply yourself to the relationship as husband and wife, with "All That You Are". In today's western culture of consumerism and commercialism, many couples have an unrealistic and superficial understanding of love and marriage, with little understanding in the ways of Self Mastery or even basic awareness of the necessary relationship tools. Few understand or are even aware of the profound Spiritual aspects of themselves, let alone each others Spiritual roles within marriage. It's very likely you never taught of such things nor given the opportunity to make yourself aware. Well, that's about to change! The good news is, there are steps you can take to ensure that you are doing and being the very best you can to make your marriage and life together a rewarding and successful journey for a lifetime. If this makes good sense to you both, then let's get started now. Make an appointment! We will begin with assessing and facilitating deeper insights and a foster stable leaps forward into understanding the current spiritual health of your relationship. Bringing to light the areas of strength as well as areas you may wish to work on. Rev. Allie Inquire About Prepare for Marriage Coaching |
The truth is, building a loving, healthy, supportive and lasting life together doesn't just happen...it's created,Learn About Christian Family Life
Christian Family Life is a marriage discipleship ministry. We are here to offer resources and support no matter what condition your marriage is in. Our passion is to Build, Enrich, and Reconcile Marriages. Blog Roll
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April 2021
Revealing and Reflecting the Heart of Christ Within Marriage
6 Pieces of Spiritual Armor to Protect Your Marriage